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Thealoz Duo Gel Dry Eye Single Dose Drops 30 X 0.4g

Thea Pharma

  • €17.99
    Unit price per 

Code: 56658

Tax included.


Thealoz® Duo Gel is suitable for more severe dry eye or night time use as it combines both long-lasting relief and protection for the surface of the eye with a carbomer gel which gives added staying power.

  • Preservative-free
  • Clin­i­cal­ly proven to increase the thick­ness of the tear film which relieves symp­toms of Dry Eye
  • 0.15% Hyaluron­ic acid – this acts as a tear lubri­cant, pro­vides long-last­ing relief and soothes your symptoms
  • 3% Tre­halose is added to pro­vide pro­tec­tion for the sur­face of the eye
  • Thealoz Duo Gel is ide­al for mod­er­ate to severe signs and symp­toms of dry eye such as dis­com­fort, sting­ing or irri­ta­tion of the eye.
  • Con­tact lens wear­ers –please remove them before apply­ing and after using, wait for at least 30 min­utes before putting your lens­es back in.
  • 30 unit dose (each con­tain­er has 0.4ml)

Ideal for:

  • All mod­er­ate to severe dry eye sufferers
  • Peo­ple who have tried oth­er eye drops, but not found sat­is­fac­tion or comfort.
  • Suit­able for mod­er­ate to severe dry eye and for night time use.

Directions for use:

Contact lenses should be removed before using Thealoz Duo Gel and reinserted 30 minutes after instilling the gel. If more than one ocular product is being used, 15 minutes should be allowed between instillation of two different products, with Thealoz Duo Gel used last.

Thealoz Duo Gel and Thealoz Duo eye drops can be used concurrently for maximum comfort.


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